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China & Europe, 1500-2000 and Beyond : What is Modern?
Offers a comparative examination of the economic histories of China and Europe, in an attempt to separate Chinese history from a Eurocentric model of development.
China - A Long History
Timeline description of Chinese dynasties and culture.
China: 50 Years Inside the People's Republic
Photographs featuring China's history, customs, and people.
Gate of Heavenly Peace
Companion site to a documentary that explores the 1989 political protest at Beijing's Tiananmen Square. includes an interactive tour of Tiananmen Square, a chronology of events leading up to the protests. Available in English and Chinese.
Red-Color News Soldier
A traveling exhibit of work by photographer Li Zhensheng document Mao Zedong and the Cultural Revolution in China. Available in French and English.
Tank Man
Companion site to PBS Frontline program that looks back at the events of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing. Provides a timeline, eyewitness accounts, analysis, and interviews.
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