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Born Glorious
Listing of famous people's birthdays and death anniversaries. Know which celebrity has birthday today. Browse famous birthdays sorted by country, date, profession, birth place and birth region.
Celeb Slap!
Uncover the fame, discover the shame - the real juice that celebrities would prefer not to spill
Celebrity Insider
The latest celebrity news, rumors and celebrity gossip.
Play with celebrities: buy and sell them like stocks and win our monthly cash prize. Plus lots of gossips and forums.
Breaking celebrity and entertainment news headlines.
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Searchable list of deceased and living celebrities. Provides biographical information and facts.
Male and female celebrities, models, free desktop wallpapers, large thumbnailed photo galleries, celebrity profiles and posters.
Olivia Munn
Offical blog updated daily with posts with antics and video from her life and TV shows.
Sallie Toussaint: Official Website
Learn about this former Miss USA World's background and work as a fashion model and actress. She's the new face of Barcardi Flavors and in the new film "The Departed".
Photos, news, and events in the movie, TV, music and sports world.
Yuddy: See the Connection
The celebrity world is a real life soap opera. Get caught up on all the drama, trials and tribulations. Sort through thousands of your favorite celebrity biographies.
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